Short lanyards are short in length than standard lanyard and quite useful with carabiner for outdoor activities like hunting/hiking/climbing. They are great items to allow for easy carrying your outdoor devices like bottle/flashlight/knife etc. by hanging on to your backpack, jacket, belt loop or another strap.
A short lanyard with your own logo/message is a cost effective way to get your brand outstanding to potential customers and consumers, it’s a promotional product with a difference. JIAN is professional lanyard manufacturer right here for you, contact us to customize your own for your next event.
● Short lanyard types: Polyester lanyard, Nylon lanyard, Imitation nylon lanyard, Woven lanyard, Dye sublimation lanyard, Tubular lanyard, ECO friendly lanyard, Glow in the dark lanyard, Reflective lanyard, Leather lanyard, etc.
● Size: Customized size.
● Color: 20 stock material color for polyester lanyard, custom dye per pantone color.
● Logo: Silkscreen printed, CMYK printed, Dye sublimation/ Heat transfer, Woven, PVC, etc.
● Lanyard accessories: Carabiner hook, Mobile string, Metal hook, etc.
● Packing: 10pcs/ Poly bag, or according to customer’s request.